Thursday, December 26, 2013

Questioning your own faith.

I have known The Lord my whole life, I have never ever doubted His existence, but a couple of weeks ago I found myself wondering about my salvation and also doubting my own faith in The Lord. There is a Bible verse that says: "if you believe in your heart, and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father, you will be saved." When pondering what Lord means, I realised that though I know what Lord means, and what implication that has to my life, I have never made Jesus Christ The Lord of my life. For days I knew and believed in Gods existence, belief in His Words, and yet I could not surrender my life to Him. I have given lots of things to The Lord in the past, almost everything, I have always had a tendency to ask for much from God, but not give back to Him in return, and this time, I realised I have not given Him Lordship over my life. Even though it has always been His from before time, I have now given Him full Lordship over my life, and I love to serve Him.

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